Be a part of the movement!
Submit your artwork for consideration to be in our next issue.

Artwork by ©JoJoesArt
Submission Guidelines
By submitting your work to this project, each artist certifies that the work submitted is theirs to own and that the work does not infringe on the copyrights of any other artist or agency. By submitting work, each artist maintains their respective rights to their creations, no transfer or leasing of rights is entered into. Each artist will have their name or handle credited within the digital or printed PDF and their name or handle will be included on the coloring page itself in a nonintrusive yet conspicuous placement. Each artist understands and accepts that this is solely intended for not-for-profit use. Each artist understands and accepts that this is intended for widespread online distribution. Each artist will be provided with a digital copy of the full-size and web-sized PDF for their own sharing and distribution but agrees not to sell the file for monetary gain. A legal disclaimer will be included in the final PDF which will assert that the words, images, and opinions expressed are solely for personal, non-commercial usage by those who wish to use it. Commercial usage, tattoo usage, or otherwise removing the images from their original context is strictly prohibited unless explicit permission has been granted by both the individual artist and the publishing collective.
In order to fill out the form, you may be asked to provide your email address. This is so that we may receive your submitted artwork and other files and so that we can contact you if needed. We will never sell or lease your email to any other party. After submitting, you are able to access and modify your submission at any time by visiting the link and signing in again.
What is the vetting process like?
Not all submissions will make it through our vetting process. Because this is intended for artists of all ages, if your work features explicit or vulgar content, it may not be featured in the release. We're trying to accept and include as many people from as wide a range of disciplines as possible but we are also curating for a high standard of excellence. If you have content which might not be age appropriate, you may be asked to remove the content or you will be rejected from the publication. We believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression; however, we do need to take general standards into considerations. Additional terms may be found on the entry submission form.
Will I get paid if I submit my work?
Unfortunately, no. We operate on a nonprofit model: we do not sell any merchandise, the PDF is free to download, and we do not require payment from any party in order to participate in our project. We now have an optional Donation button on the site; however, the entirety of these donations go towards the costs of running the site and we do not anticipate making back the costs of our initial investment. As artists ourselves, we know the complexities revolving around providing work for “free” or “for exposure” but we really believe in the power that this collective format can provide. Our first issue was downloaded over 15,000 times within the first 48 hours so that’s a lot of eyes on your work and a lot of people benefiting from free coloring pages. By submitting work you are donating to us a single-use, non-transferable distribution right to be included in the PDF and on the website. We will never sell your work and everywhere it is shared will only ever link back to your provided social media or website.
After Submitting
After submitting, we'll contact you if we need anything else. We are currently working towards solidifying funding for our next issue, you can find more about his on our FAQ or on our Donate page. When the second issue is formally initiated, we will email you with your acceptance or denial. Before publishing, a proof will be sent out to each artist who has been included so that they can check that everything looks correct. After that phase, the final PDF will be launched online for the whole world to download for free.
We can't thank all of you enough and we'll be talking with you soon.
A Global Movement brought to you by some of your favorite artists.
Above: a sample spread from Issue I of artist Katy Lipscomb